rollApp Wants To Take Your Desktop Apps To The Cloud

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Tim Higgins

rollApp has gone live with a beta of its Open Office cloud service integrated with Google Docs and DropBox.

rollApp is a Palo Alto based startup developing technology that "allows instant conversion of virtually any traditional software into online SaaS".

The concept is that software publishers upload standard desktop application installers to rollApp, which then makes them available as cloud apps. The converted apps are said to maintain the look and feel of the original desktop applications.

rollApp’s current beta program includes 13 applications including Open Office Calc, Writer, Draw and Impress plus an assortment of open source games and graphics programs.

The company said it plans to add applications until they have the "top 100" apps running. They then plan to open the service up to general application submissions.

Get more information on the beta program and check out the current apps.

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