What’s On Your Network?
Knowing what's on your network is the first step in securing it.
Knowing what's on your network is the first step in securing it.
Check out our freshly-updated Powerline FAQ for all you need to know about how to use your home's power lines to get Ethernet anywhere there's an outlet!
Is your powerline network running too slowly? Use these powerline troubleshooting tips to get the throughput you need!
Here are three free easy-to-use tools for getting a handle on your network's performance.
In the last part of our series, we'll provide the finishing touches for your tuned-up network.
In the second part of our series, we'll show you how and why to let your router just do one thing.
In the first part of our series, we'll make the case for tuning up your network and show you how to bridge a modem.
We've gathered the most often asked powerline networking questions and answers in one handy place. Enjoy!
Designing and installing a DIY home network is hard enough. But doing it in a concrete block home requires extra planning and care.
Expanding the number of Ethernet ports on a router is one of the easiest things you can do. But people still have questions. We've got the answers.
Powerline networking can deliver higher and more consistent throughput than wireless, but it can take some tweaking. These tips will show you how to improve your HomePlug network speed.
Measuring your network speed is a lot easier than it used to be. We'll help you choose the right tool for the job.