Barnes and Noble Now Accepting Nook Color App Store Submissions

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Matt Smollinger

Barnes and Noble has started accepting application submissions for its new App Store for the Nook Color

Following on the heels of Amazon, B&N is hoping to capitalize on the growing number of Android applications by opening its Nook Color platform to developers.

The standard profit sharing model exists: 70% to the Developer, and 30% to B&N. However, all applications must go through a Barnes and Noble certification process where it must meet content requirements currently defined for book content. This means no fart buttons or any other seemingly base content will be accepted.

B&N is accepting submissions on its newly launched NookDeveloper site, but has not mentioned when the new app store will be available. Rumors are that the app store will launch with the much rumored Android 2.2 update for the Nook. However this runs counter to the program stating to develop for Android 2.1 on the Nook Color. Hopefully B&N will update us soon with actual dates.

Source: CrunchGear

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