Centrally Manage All Your Cloud and Local Storage

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Tim Higgins

Gladinet has introduced a new service that unifies local and cloud storage.

Gladinet Cloud for Teams provides central management of cloud and on-premise storage, shared workspace creation with access controls, and the ability to access cloud and on-premise storage from any location or device.

Administrators can centrally manage users, cloud and on-premise storage and set up team folders and access controls from a web browser interface.

Connection can be made to over 20 cloud storage services including Amazon Cloud Drive and S3, Box.net, Rackspace Cloud and EMC Atmos.

Gladinet Cloud can also be re-branded for resellers.

Pricing starts at $9.99 / month for two users up to $149.99 / month for 50 users. Storage is priced separately with 10 GB included and $149.99 month for 500 GB of Gladinet’s storage.

More info on Gladinet’s blog.

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