Time Warner and Comcast today announced plans to expand their TV Everywhere initiative to iPad owners.
The new service is called TV Everywhere For All (TVEFA) and will extend access to all Time Warner owned content via an upcoming iPad app.
Comcast said it plans to include access to NBC Universal content, once its proprosed merger is approved. And since NBC Universal is part owner of Hulu, access to Fox and ABC-owned content is likely to be part of the deal.
Unlike the current TV Everywhere model, TVEFA will not require that a user subscribe to cable or satellite service, but it will be an iPad-only service. A free service option is expected to be funded via a revenue-sharing deal between Apple and content owners, which includes Steve Jobs, Disney’s principal shareholder.
Tiered paid subscriptions, as well as a la carte plans will be offered. However, given the uncertainty of when and if the Comcast / NBC deal will close, it’s unlikely that the service will fully roll out until next April 1.