How Much Total Throughput Can Your Wi-Fi Router Really Provide?
It's harder than you think for that expensive router of yours to deliver all the throughput the big number on its box promises. We show you why.
It's harder than you think for that expensive router of yours to deliver all the throughput the big number on its box promises. We show you why.
Wi-Fi ping spikes aren't always caused by a poor connection. Your router settings could be to blame.
Our test of six Wi-Fi 6 routers found no significant benefit from OFDMA.
We resume our quest to find OFDMA's promised benefits, by first trying to find a good benchmark test.
OFDMA, a key Wi-Fi 6 feature, is still mostly absent from consumer routers and makers are not telling us.
The first Wi-Fi performance test standard will change the way we test Wi-Fi products.
Our 160 MHz channel bandwidth investigation had some incorrect results. So we retested to set the record straight.
Updated - 160 MHz channel bandwidth is an essential feature of 802.11ax. We take a look at whether it means trouble for your 11ac network.
Updated: The first draft 11ax routers are almost here. Take a little time to know what you might be buying into.
Updated - In our latest exploration of Wi-Fi Roaming, we take a look at the roaming behavior of five Wi-Fi systems.
Cloud managed networks aren't just for Enterprises anymore.
In the third part of our Wi-Fi Roaming exploration, we look at Windows and Android roams.