It is a two-antenna design (2T2R) with around 84 Mbps of routing throughput and four port 10/100 switch.
The router improperly defaults to an Auto bandwidth mode setting, which is in violation of its 802.11n Draft 2.0 Wi-Fi Alliance certification. This means that it will use a 40 MHz channel with its "out of the box" settings, which can potentially interfere with neighboring 802.11b/g networks.
Wireless best-case total throughput (simultaneous up and downlink) in the default 40 MHz mode yields around 70 Mbps with up and downlink speeds measuring 64 and 57 Mbps respectively. Switching to 20 MHz mode still yields a total bidirectional throughput of around 70 Mbps, but with unidirectional throughput dropping to around 50 Mbps.